Lightboard-MediaStudio Reservations
Media Studio / Lightboard Reservation Form
The Innovative Teaching & Learning Center’s Media Studio / Lightboard facility is a campus based studio equipped with a green screen, one touch lightboard setup, and recording equipment such as video cameras, portable lighting, microphones, etc., theStudio supports learners in the creative development of multimedia presentations. The media studio is located on the top floor of Reeves. It is room 104. All media studio / lightboard reservations must use this form for access.
Reservation times for the use of the Media Studio and or the Lightboard.
Reserve from 9 am to 5 pm MTWTF.
24hr advance notice is needed in order to make a reservation.
Media Studio Policy:
All reservations for the media studio or the Ligbhtboard usage must be made through the Center website Media Studio Reservation form.
Reservations are on a first come, first serve basis. All personal/ business reservations will take a back seat to Institution based projects and work.
Please note that it is important to contact the studio ahead of your project so that we can have ample time to provide you with an efficient experience. It is vital that you provide us with a detailed description of what you plan on doing and how you would like the outcome.
All studio reservations are for SHU class student / faculty class projects only. The reservations will be verified by faculty.
Patrons are responsible for their own props if needed.
ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD, DRINKS, SMOKING, GUM CHEWING allowed in the Media Studio Facilities.
DO NOT touch or move the Lightboard equipment(This includes any lighting, cameras, or devices attached to the lightboard). It is calibrated and any changes require new calibration!
No Items are not to be affixed to the studio walls, windows and/or screens.
No writing on the walls, windows or screens(unless using
the approved markers for the Lightboard).Ask for assistance if at all unsure about how to interconnect any studio equipment.
If an instrument is not working notify the staff.
All equipment must be turned off and all door must be closed after your session.
All guidelines posted in the Media Studio Policy must be followed.
DO NOT touch or move the Lightboard equipment(This includes any lighting, cameras, or devices attached to the lightboard). It is calibrated and any changes require new calibration!
Read through/watch all LightBoard instructions prior to using. Contact the Media Studio or Math Center if you have questions before you begin.
All equipment associated with the LightBoard is positioned for optimal use. Do not move equipment without permission from the Media Studio.
Use only approved markers when writing on the Lightboard (Quartet Neon, Expo Brights, etc.)
Do not allow objects other than approved markers, your fingers, or approved cleaning supplies to come in contact with the Lightboard.
Return the thumb drive to the Math Center or Media Studio when you complete your recording(s) and transfer your video(s) to your own laptop.
Remove any papers or other objects from the LightBoard area when you are finished.
Log off of the computer if it was used during your session.
Clean all markings from the LightBoard when your session is complete according to the Cleaning Instructions.
All equipment must be turned off after your session according to the instructions.
LightBoards can easily incur permanent damage or markings if care is not taken during their use. Please ask if you have any questions about its operation. Contact the Media Center or the Mathematics Enrichment Center in 108 Reeves ( if you have questions.